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Results for "author_first: "Rami", author_last: "Shapiro""
The Way of the Spiritually Independent An email retreat for the growing number of seekers without borders drawn to wisdom wherever it may be found.
Beyond Recovery The Twelve Steps applied to the addiction from which almost all of us suffer: the addiction to control.
The Wisdom of the Rebbes A retreat on four ways to God embraced by Hasidism: wisdom, study, faith, and humility.
InterSpiritual Wisdom An opportunity to study sacred texts from different traditions under the guidance of six pioneers of InterSpirituality.
World Wisdom Passages to reflect upon from the mystic heart of the world's religions.
Crazy Wisdom An interview with Rabbi Rami Shapiro about his e-course on the crazy wisdom of the ancient Hasidic rebbes and how they speak to our times.